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Assisted move

How we can help

Let us help you move to your brand new home, hassle free.

At Dawn Homes we will do everything we can to help you move with the absolute minimum of stress or worry.
Our people are experts in Assisted Move. Quite simply, we are with you and on your side every step of the way, taking care of the detail and ensuring that you and your family’s interests are the priority.

Assisted move

  • Talk to our friendly Sales Consultant at your chosen development.
  • We will arrange two independent valuations and agree a price at which to market your home.
  • You can choose which agent will market your property.
  • We will arrange to have a Home Report carried out on your current home and organise the marketing through your preferred nominated estate agent.
  • Your preferred new Dawn home will be held for four weeks once marketing of your current home has commenced, with a weekly review thereafter.

Available on selected plots.

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